Here are all the book reviews I’ve ever posted on this site, sorted alphabetically by author. I keep it updated as I post new reviews. Enjoy!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Ackroyd, Peter: T.S. Eliot
Adiga, Aravind: The White Tiger
Adjei-Brenyah, Nana Kwame: Friday Black
Alanki, Ernest: The Chocolate Shop Perverts
Albert, Michael: Parecon: Life After Capitalism
Alderman, Naomi: The Future
Alexievich, Svetlana: Chernobyl Prayer
Ali, Monica: Brick Lane
Antic, Cedomir: The History of Serbia
Aridjis, Chloe: Book of Clouds
Arthur, Kevyn Alan: The View From Belmont
Ballard, J.G.: Rushing to Paradise
Banks, Iain: The Steep Approach to Garbadale, Complicity
Banville, John: The Sea, Birchwood, Snow, Eclipse
Barbal, Maria: Stone in a Landslide
Barnes, Julian: The Sense of an Ending, The Porcupine
BBC: National Short Story Award anthology 2008
Beauman, Ned: Glow
Ben Hameda, Kamal: Under the Tripoli Sky
Bitmead, Luke: The Body is a Temple
Bolano, Roberto: The Savage Detectives
Bookchin, Murray: Social Ecology and Communalism
Borges, Jorge Luis: Collected Fictions, The Cruel Redeemer Lazarus Morell
Borges Polesso, Natalia: Amora
Boulton, Marjorie: The Anatomy of Prose
Bourne, Edmund J.: Global Shift
Bradbury, Malcolm: Doctor Criminale
Brande, Dorothea: Becoming a Writer
Brown, Andrew: Gustave Flaubert
Bryan, Beverley: The Heart of the Race
Bulawayo, NoViolet: We Need New Names
Bulgakov, Mikhail: The Master and Margarita
Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities, t zero, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler, Mr Palomar
Carlson, Kristina: Mr Darwin’s Gardener
Carr, E.H.: What is History?
Casagrande, Orsola & Ra Page (ed.): The American Way: Stories of Invasion
Chandler, Robert (ed.): Russian Short Stories from Pushkin to Buida
Chevalier, Tracy: Remarkable Creatures
Cleave, Chris: Incendiary
Cohen, Robin: Global Diasporas: An Introduction
Cooke, Elizabeth: Rutherford Park
Crace, Jim: The Pesthouse
Crook, J.R.: Sleeping Patterns
Crooks, Jacqueline: Fire Rush
Crow, Matthew: Ashes
Davies, Carys: Clear
Deen, Shulem: All Who Go Do Not Return
Delius, Friedrich Christian: Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman
Diaz, Junot: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Didion, Joan: The Year of Magical Thinking
Dones, Elvira: Sworn Virgin
Dos Passos, John: Manhattan Transfer
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: The Gentle Spirit
Duffy, Carol Ann: The World’s Wife
Duffy, Sophie: The Generation Game
Edugyan, Esi: Half Blood Blues
Emmins, Alan: Hounded: Stories From the American Road
Ewing, Eve: Electric Arches
Fontaine, Theodor: Effi Briest
Ford, Don Henry Jr.: Ruminations from the Garden
Forna, Aminatta: Happiness
Forster, E.M.: Aspects of the Novel
Foulds, Adam: In the Wolf’s Mouth
French, Patrick: The World Is What It Is
Frey, James: A Million Little Pieces
Fritz, Marianne: The Weight of Things
Gappah, Petina: An Elegy for Easterly
Goodman, Jordan: Paul Robeson: A Watched Man
Gorz, Andre: Letter to D
Grahame, Jennifer: Jacks Hill Road
Grinkeviciute, Dalia: Shadows on the Tundra
Grossman, Vasily: Everything Flows
Hall, Calvin S.: A Primer of Freudian Psychology
Hamid, Mohsin: The Last White Man
Harrold, Paula: Who Needs Paradise?
Healy, Dermot: Long Time, No See
Hemon, Aleksandar: Best European Fiction 2010 (ed.), The Lazarus Project, The Question of Bruno
Hesse, Hermann: Steppenwolf
Hewitt, James: Meditation
Higgerson, James: The Almost Lizard
Hollowell, Thomas: Allah’s Garden
Hotschnig, Alois: Maybe This Time
Hrabal, Bohumil: Too Loud a Solitude
Hubbard, L. Ron: The Iron Duke
Hughes, Ted: Crow
Imoja, Nailah Folami: Pick of the Crop
Ishiguro, Kazuo: Nocturnes, The Unconsoled, An Artist of the Floating World, A Pale View of Hills
Ismailov, Hamid: The Dead Lake
Jenny, Zoe: The Pollen Room
Jin, Ha: The Writer as Migrant
Jones, Reece: Violent Borders
Jung, Carl: The Undiscovered Self
Juul, Pia: The Murder of Halland
Kassabova, Kapka: Border
Kassem, Fatma: Palestinian Women
Kawabata, Yasunari: The Sound of the Mountain
Kawakami, Mieko: Breasts and Eggs, Ms Ice Sandwich
Kazantzakis, Nikos: Freedom and Death
Khanna, Balraj: Indian Magic
Khalifa, Khaled: In Praise of Hatred
King, Stephen: On Writing
Klaces, Caleb: Bottled Air
Korneliussen, Niviaq: Crimson
Krall, Hanna: Chasing the King of Hearts
Krishnamoorthy, Viji: 912 Batu Road
Krotoski, Aleks: Untangling the Web
Kubin, Alfred: The Other Side
Kundera, Milan: The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Identity
Kureishi, Hanif: The Buddha of Suburbia, Intimacy
Kushner, Rachel: The Flamethrowers
Laing, R.D.: The Politics of Experience
Lamming, George: In the Castle of my Skin, The Pleasures of Exile
Laye, Camara: The Dark Child
Lentin, Alana & Gavan Titley: The Crises of Multiculturalism
Leopardi, Giacomo: Thoughts
Lessing, Doris: Prisons we Choose to Live Inside
Lewis, C.S.: Miracles
Littell, Jonathan: Syrian Notebooks
Lorchenkov, Vladimir: The Good Life Elsewhere
McAfee, Annalena: Nightshade
McCarthy, Tom: C
McCaulay, Diana: Dog-Heart
McEwan, Ian: Saturday, Amsterdam
McIntosh, Phoebe: Dominoes
Macdonald, Helen: H is for Hawk
MacLeod, Alistair: The Vastness of the Dark (short story)
Madsen, Seraphina: Dodge and Burn
Maguire, Emily: An Isolated Incident
Makereti, Tina: The Imaginary Lives of James Poneke
Makine, Andreï: The Archipelago of Another Life (and follow-up post)
Malatesta, Errico: Anarchy
Manyika, Sarah Ladipo: In Dependence, Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: Bon Voyage, Mr President
Martel, Yann: Life of Pi
Maxwell, William: So Long, See You Tomorrow
Mersbergen, Jan van: Tomorrow Pamplona
Micros, Marianne: Eye
Millar, Martin: Lux the Poet
Mills, Sam: The Quiddity of Will Self
Miura, Shion: The Great Passage
Mullen, Bill & Christopher Vials: The U.S. Anti-Fascism Reader
Munkara, Marie: Of Ashes and Rivers That Run to the Sea
Murakami, Haruki: After Dark
Mwanza Mujila, Fiston: Tram 83
Nelson, Alondra: The Social Life of DNA
Newland, Courttia: Music for the Off-Key
Obioma, Chigozie: The Fishermen
Ogawa, Yoko: The Housekeeper and the Professor
Olmi, Veronique: Beside the Sea
O’Neill, Joseph: Netherland
Orwell, George: Homage to Catalonia
Ørstavik, Hanne: The Blue Room
Osunde, Eloghosa: Vagabonds!
Parkes, Nii Ayikwei: Tale of the Blue Bird
Phal, Norng Chan: The Mystery of the Boy at S-21
Phillips, Caryl: Cambridge
Piggott, Mark: Out of Office, Fire Horses
Pinol, Alberto Sanchez: Pandora in the Congo
Platt, Lena & Daniel: The Ants Will Come and Tell Me
Politycki, Matthias: Next World Novella
Price, Andy: Recovering Bookchin
none yet…
Rathi, Akshat: Climate Capitalism
Reinhold, Shola van: Lote
Riffice, John Philip: Dog and Butterfly
Roberts-Squires, Maria: October All Over
Roth, Joseph: The Radetzky March Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Rothman, Lorne: Southcrop Forest
Rowan Arts Project: Making Inroads
Roy, Arundhati: The Doctor and the Saint
Russell, Bertrand: The Problems of Philosophy
Rushdie, Salman: The Enchantress of Florence
Rutherford, Anna (ed.): Commonwealth Short Stories
Ryan, Donal: The Spinning Heart
Ryan, Orla: Chocolate Nations
Sahlberg, Asko: The Brothers
Said, Edward: On Late Style
Saito, Kohei: Slow Down
Salinger, J.D.: The Catcher in the Rye
Samarasan, Preeta: Evening is the Whole Day
Sammalkorpi, Virve: Children of the Cave
Saramago, Jose: Death at Intervals
Savva, Maria: A Time to Tell
Sebald, W.G.: Austerlitz
Segal, Lynne: Radical Happiness
Seiffert, Rachel: Afterwards
Shafak, Elif: There Are Rivers in the Sky
Shekhtman, Boris: How to Improve Your Foreign Language Immediately
Sherlock, Philip (ed.): West Indian Folk Tales
Shonagon, Sei: The Pillow Book
Simon, Claude: The Flanders Road
Smith, Ed: What Sport Tells Us About Life
Soll, Jacob: The Reckoning
Solomos, John: Race and Racism in Great Britain
Sorenson, John: About Canada: Animal Rights
Sorenson, Sharon: How to Write Short Stories
Sten, Viveca: In the Name of Truth
Swift, Graham: Last Orders
Tabucchi, Antonio: Pereira Maintains
Theroux, Marcel: The Paperchase
Toews, Miriam: Irma Voth
Tolstoy, Leo: The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Tyler, Anne: Digging to America
Tzu-Ch’eng, Hung: A Chinese Garden of Serenity
none yet…
Vanderbeke, Birgit: The Mussel Feast
Velikic, Dragan: The Russian Window
Venkatesh, Sudhir: Floating City
Vlautin, Willy: Lean on Pete
Wagner, Kim A.: Amritsar 1919
Walker, Alice: The Color Purple
Walsh, Barry: The Pimlico Kid, Danny Boy
Walther, Don: The Politicians
Weihe, Richard: Sea of Ink
West, Hilary: The Silk Peacock
Wheatle, Alex: Brenton Brown
Williams, Eric: Capitalism & Slavery
Winterson, Jeanette: Written on the Body
Wyld, Evie: All the Birds, Singing, The Echoes
none yet…
none yet…
Ziervogel, Meike: Clara’s Daughter
Zukav, Gary: The Seat of the Soul