In-Dependence from Bondage

This book seems worth reading. It looks at the work of Claude McKay and Michael Manley, an interesting combination, and more broadly…

Guardian Books

I should read this more often. It actually has some interesting stuff. This week there’s Paulo Coelho on the Seven Deadly Sins,…

Absolutely mindless

I think Lord Acton was wrong: power doesn’t corrupt. It lobotomises. Consider Michel Platini, for example. Gifted footballer, intelligent analyst of the game, articulate opponent of Lennart Johansson…

Fortress Europe

From United Against Racism comes this list of 8,855 refugees who have died throughout Fortress Europe since 1993. The amount of drowning,…

Novel Award

I will enter this contest by October. Also the Jo Cowell Short Story Contest (8 June), the Keats-Shelley prize (30 June), Wellington…

Financing Terrorism

This is a bit old, but I wanted to make note of it so I can find it again later. From Narco…