If it’s good enough for Einstein…

It’s funny how conservatives always complain about left-wing thought dominating academia. They set up absurd organisations like Campus Watch dedicated to rooting out liberal bias, and hound anyone…

Land Day

Apparently it was Palestinian Land Day a few weeks ago. Palestinian blogger LamaK has a very poignant take on it, pointing out…

In-Dependence from Bondage

This book seems worth reading. It looks at the work of Claude McKay and Michael Manley, an interesting combination, and more broadly…

Guardian Books

I should read this more often. It actually has some interesting stuff. This week there’s Paulo Coelho on the Seven Deadly Sins,…

Absolutely mindless

I think Lord Acton was wrong: power doesn’t corrupt. It lobotomises. Consider Michel Platini, for example. Gifted footballer, intelligent analyst of the…