Novel Award

I will enter this contest by October. Also the Jo Cowell Short Story Contest (8 June), the Keats-Shelley prize (30 June), Wellington Town Council (31 August), City of…

Financing Terrorism

This is a bit old, but I wanted to make note of it so I can find it again later. From Narco…

Great news!

I write letters for Amnesty International. I have done (on and off) for many years, usually without any expectation of achieving anything.…

Classless Confusion

The Nation has an analysis of globalisation in its upcoming issue that is almost very good. I say “almost” because although he…

Suing the poor

As if botching a water project in one of the world’s poorest countries weren’t bad enough, UK company Biwater is now taking…

Venezuela is (debt) free

Venezuela has now paid off the last cent of its debt to the IMF and World Bank, according to this article in Monthly Review Zine. Of course, Chavez…