On the Holloway Road New review for On the Holloway Road On the Holloway Road picked up a good review from Emma over at Book Around the Corner yesterday. I don’t normally tell you about every review, but I…
Reading Lists I love lists. So many books, so many thoughts and ideas condensed into a single, well-ordered list. I came across a good…
Reading “Maybe This Time” by Alois Hotschnig I'd thoroughly recommend this book to anyone who's looking for something a little weird and disturbing and different.
Reading “The Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion “You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends.” This book has simple sentences like this scattered through it.…
Reading “The Generation Game” by Sophie Duffy An interesting premise: the book starts with a woman in hospital talking to her newborn baby girl. She starts to tell the…
Literary events Why I like independent bookshops You often hear people talking about supporting independent bookshops as if they’re some charity case. I don’t agree with this – they have real advantages. One of them…
Thinking London rioting I live in Haringay, the same borough as Tottenham, where the riots started that have since spread across London. If you take…
Reading “Book of Clouds” by Chloe Aridjis A very quiet, meditative book about a Mexican woman adrift in Berlin. Tatiana is alienated from her family and her friends, cut…
Reading “Brenton Brown” by Alex Wheatle Brenton Brown is a follow-up to Alex Wheatle’s famous debut Brixton Rock, which was set in the early 1980s. We catch up…