Living Finding some inspiration Sometimes, as much as I like writing, I get tired of it. Towards the end of last year, it became difficult, and I started…
On the Holloway Road On the Holloway Road – free sample My publisher, Legend Press, is offering a free sample of the first two chapters of On the Holloway Road as a special…
Reading “Tail of the Blue Bird” by Nii Ayikwei Parkes This is a VERY belated post for Ghanaian Literature Week, organised by the wonderful Kinna. I signed up for it back in…
Reading German Literature Month readalong, Effi Briest – part 3 So it’s week 3 of German Literature Month, organised by Lizzie and Caroline. We’re reading Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane. Why do…
Reading German literature month readalong – part 2 It’s the second week of the Effi Briest readalong, hosted by Lizzy and Caroline as part of German Literature Month. Here are…
Reading German Literature Month readalong – part 1 I am participating in the readalong of Theodore Fontaine’s Effi Briest as part of German Literature Month. Here are my reactions to the first 15 chapters. Questions posed…
Reading “The Problems of Philosophy” by Bertrand Russell This book is pitched just at the right level for me. I am interested in philosophy, but don’t have enough knowledge of…
Reading The Secret Life of Pronouns, etc… My Dad sent me an interesting article from New Scientist magazine recently called “The Secret Life of Pronouns”. It’s based on a…
Literary events Congratulations, Julian Barnes! So he won his Booker after all, the man who’s been shortlisted three times but never won before, and who once famously…