Literary events Different kinds of writer I have a bad habit, sometimes, of generalising about what “writers” are like, mostly based only on my own experience. Last night I got…
Published work Of gospels and spoilers Just had a couple of things published. First of all, a book review I wrote for Switchback, a literary journal produced by…
Reading The Moby Dick Big Read Has anyone else been taking part in the Moby Dick Big Read? I have, and I’ve been enjoying it. The idea is…
A Virtual Love The next big thing… There was a thing going around on the internet late last year called The Next Big Thing, in which writers answered questions…
Living Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2013! Just a quick post to wish you all a very happy Christmas. For those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas, I wish…
Thinking What is privilege? When people hear about my background, they immediately think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I went to Oxford, you…
Reading The Kindle Report: does it beat paper? I’ve owned a Kindle for almost a year now and so thought it was time for a comparison of ereading vs reading.…
Published work Ten years ago: Tom Cornell profile This post is part of a series in which I publish stories and articles I wrote exactly ten years ago. This one…
Living There’s no such place as paradise When I tell people I’m living in Barbados, the reactions are interesting. Words that come up a lot are “exotic”, “paradise”, “idyllic”…