The book launch

Thanks to everyone who came to my book launch on Wednesday night! It was a wonderful evening, by which I mean that lots of people turned up and I didn’t botch my speech or reading 🙂

For those of you who couldn’t make it, due to minor inconveniences like living on different continents, here are the edited highlights:






As you can see from the final photo, while some people just mingled and chatted, others couldn’t wait to start reading 🙂 If you were there and have any photos of your own, please do send them to me.

The book will start to appear in bookshops around the UK next week, and I’ve been told that Amazon has started shipping them out already. If you’re outside the UK, the best option right now is The Book Depository, which is currently offering 25% off and free worldwide shipping.

Thanks again to everyone who came out. I was really overwhelmed by the support, and hope you had a good time. I enjoyed it so much that I needed a day to recover before I could post this!

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There are 19 comments

    1. The publication date was 1st April, but the launch party was a few days before. So you’re right – it just depends on what you define as the launch 🙂

    1. Thanks so much!! Actually my main emotion is relief – I get quite nervous before events like this, and am relieved that everything went well, and that initial responses have been positive.

  1. I wish I could have attended. Congratulations.

    I have your book now and I’m carefully avoiding all reviews to read it with a fresh mind.

    1. Hi Emma,

      Thanks very much! Glad you got the book. I’m the same when I’ve got a new book to read – I like to keep other people’s opinions out of my head. Hope you enjoy it!

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