Reading What is History? I used to treat books like sacred relics. I would read them carefully, never making notes in the margin or dog-earing the pages. These…
Published work Ten years ago: Why I Protest This post is part of a series of stories and articles I wrote exactly ten years ago, on this day in 2003.…
A Virtual Love First unsolicited review With the official launch of A Virtual Love still a couple of weeks away, it was nice to go on Amazon the…
Living A Very British Blog Tour 2013 I was tagged recently by Maria Savva as part of ‘A Very British Blog Tour’. The idea is to introduce readers to…
Reading Recovering Bookchin I read Murray Bookchin’s Social Ecology and Communalism a year or so ago, and in my review I asked for recommendations of…
Reading The Crises of Multiculturalism Multiculturalism has come under increasing attack in the past two decades. It began with a backlash against affirmative action in the US…
A Virtual Love First review for A Virtual Love Delighted to see the first review of A Virtual Love today, on book blog The Innocent Flower. Here’s a snippet: A Virtual…
A Virtual Love The endorsements are in! Wanted to say a big “thank you” to James Miller and Alex Wheatle for being among the first readers of A Virtual…