Thinking How to explain the credit crunch to a five-year-old 1. The government promised Mummy and Daddy they would be happy if they spent their lives working to make someone else rich. 2. Mummy and Daddy did what…
Reading “Prisons we choose to live inside” by Doris Lessing "Of course, there are original minds, people who do take their own line, who do not fall victim to the need to…
Reading Food crisis Wonderful article in the December New Internationalist about the global food crisis. As the magazine points out, we hear a lot about…
Thinking Quote for the day Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.…
Reading “The Steep Approach to Garbadale” by Iain Banks I particularly liked that although most of the story is told from Alban's point of view, he is described at first from…
Published work Night Bus published My short story Night Bus was recently published in issue 13 of Smoke: A London Peculiar. Among all the young, drunk people…
Reading “The Politics of Experience” by R.D. Laing What if the "delusions" reported by patients during psychotic episodes were not symptoms of a disease, but valid descriptions of their experiences?
On the Holloway Road House style The editing is finished. The book is at the printers. An enthusiastic blurb appeared on the Legend Press website, so presumably they’re…