Literary events PLR petition As a follow-up to my recent post about the threatened cuts to the Public Lending Right, I was happy to get an email this afternoon from the Society…
Thinking Monday morning inspiration “I write a little every day, without hope and without despair.” —Isak Dinesen (For this quote, and a few others I’ve used…
Reading “On Writing” by Stephen King This is a book of two halves: part memoir, part writing advice. When I first read it, about ten years ago, I…
Reading “Allah’s Garden” by Thomas Hollowell This is an interesting book about a conflict that has been going for decades and yet rarely grabs the headlines. When Western…
Thinking Monday morning inspiration “The writer operates at a peculiar crossroads where time and place and eternity somehow meet. His problem is to find that location.”…
Reading “Last Orders” by Graham Swift In a way, the plot of Last Orders is very simple: a group of friends drive to the coast to scatter the ashes of their friend Jack. Yes,…
Reading “The Porcupine” by Julian Barnes What I liked about this book was the complexity of its characters. It tells the story of a former Communist dictator being…
Thinking Monday morning inspiration “I only write when I feel the inspiration. Fortunately, inspiration strikes at 10:00 o’clock every day.” —William Faulkner
Thinking BP, rebranded Greenpeace recently held a competition to design a more appropriate logo for BP, a company responsible for massive environmental destruction. I like…