Published work New short story Just found out that I’ve had a short story accepted for the forthcoming Stations collection to be published by Arachne Press. It’s a collection…
On the Holloway Road Another good review On the Holloway Road just picked up another excellent review in the book blogging world, this time from Vishy. I haven’t been…
Published work How interesting projects come about As a writer, you spend hours scouring the listings in The Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook, signing up for newsletters to hear…
On the Holloway Road Great review for On the Holloway Road Nivedita Barve has just posted a really insightful review of On the Holloway Road – click here to read it. And I…
Reading “The Brothers” by Asko Sahlberg The Brothers, by Finnish writer Asko Sahlberg, is the first in Peirene Press’s series of the “Small Epic”. The publisher also draws comparisons…
Literary events The future of book talks There was a time, way back in 2011, when a book event used to consist of an author standing in a dusty library or…
A Virtual Love Introducing “A Virtual Love”, coming to a bookshop near you in Spring 2013 Well, it’s been a long time coming, but I finally finished my second novel and it has been acquired by Legend Press…
On the Holloway Road On the Holloway Road £1.09 Kindle promotion I’ve just noticed that Amazon is currently promoting the Kindle version of my novel for £1.09. The normal price is about five times…
Uncategorized What would you like to see? I’ve been making some changes to this website recently. New Year, fresh start. What do you think of the new look? Please…