Living What we did before Google Whatever did we do before the internet? How did we manage before Google? I’m hearing these questions more often these days, usually after someone’s discovered some snippet of…
Reading Capitalism & Slavery This book does an excellent job of showing exactly how the development of British capitalism was dependent on slavery. The author is Eric…
The writing process Beauty? No, thanks As a side note to my post last week on the cafes I have killed, I wanted to add one more thing…
Living Liebster Award reloaded It was great to be nominated for the Liebster Award by Caroline of Beauty is a Sleeping Cat. Thanks, Caroline! In the…
The writing process The cafe killer I have a confession to make. I’m a natural born killer. Don’t worry – I don’t kill people, or even butterflies. I kill…
Reading The Silk Peacock by Hilary West This is an interesting and very varied collection of short stories. The overall style is literary fiction, but there are some murder mysteries mixed…
Reading The Twitterati: literary fiction writers to follow on Twitter A blog post listing all the writers on Twitter would probably take me a lifetime to compile, and cause WordPress to explode…
Reading Who needs Paradise? by Paula Harrold I first met Paula Harrold when she was a pink-haired Oxford theology student who decorated her bedroom wall with a large scythe.…
Living Let’s confirm nearer the time Technology was supposed to simplify our lives, wasn’t it? In so many ways it does, of course, but then we seem to…