Travel From Concentric to Maculate: Marco D’Eramo’s Geographies of Ignorance As we all know, travel has become a lot easier in recent decades—at least for those of us born into relative privilege and possessing…
Reading Best Books I Read in 2020 There’s a quote by Alice Walker that I love: “When I was a child, I read books for entertainment and information; I…
Reading The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav In her preface to The Seat of the Soul, Oprah Winfrey writes: “The Seat of the Soul changed the way I see…
Reading Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse: German Literature Month 2020 There’s a lot more to the novel than a protest against society’s stifling conventions. In fact, the way that Hesse wrote the…
Reading The History of Serbia by Cedomir Antic: Review This is a useful overview of the history of Serbia, starting in neolithic times and going right through to the present (it…
Reading Spell the Month in Books Why trawl the web for updates on just how little has changed in the US election process or how many more people have caught…
The writing process October 2020 Reading Roundup Here's a quick roundup of some good books I read this month, featuring Jorge Luis Borges, Anne Tyler and more.
Reading The Heart of the Race: Black Women’s Lives in Britain The Heart of the Race is a classic of Black British women’s history. First published in 1985, the book filled in large…
The writing process A Steam of Consciousness As I was writing recently, a slip of the pen turned a stream of consciousness into a steam of consciousness. I quickly…