“The Muslims are breeding”

It’s sad that there’s a site called “Islamophobia Watch.” Not, as its critics would argue, because there’s no such thing as Islamophobia and it’s all just political correctness…

Heal Thyself

If, like me, you’re a meat-eater, you NEED to watch the video over at The Heathlander. Personally I love a bacon sandwich.…

Reading Chomsky

When I first started reading Noam Chomsky’s work it was with a large amount of, dare I say it, shock and awe.…

Who’s your audience?

I love watching Chris Rock. He’s one of the few stand-up comedians who is pretty much guaranteed to make me laugh every…

The crime of compassion

Sometimes I think I have become so cynical that I am no longer capable of feeling true outrage. I have come to…

The waters are rising…….

Something strange is happening here. I lived in Britain for about 20 years and never heard much about flooding. There were occasional floods of low-lying areas, but mostly…


Many people in Britain have been wondering for the last few years exactly what we get out of the “special relationship” with…

Which group are you in?

I am belatedly getting around to writing about an excellent post over on Colonise This! It really got me thinking, not so…