Racial identification

Read a fascinating article in the Fall 2007 edition of the Du Bois Review. In an article “The New Latin Nation”, Alejandro Portes made the very interesing, and…

Great speech

Worth staying up for. He used the example of a 106-year-old voter to go through a century of US history, touching on…


I am staying up to watch the US election results. It probably won’t be decided until 4 or 5am UK time, but…

David Foster Wallace

I really need to read more. Apparently David Foster Wallace, who committed suicide last month after years battling depression, was the “most…

William Cuffay, Black Chartist

Just read an interesting pamphlet called “The Story of William Cuffay, Black Chartist.” It’s quite a story. His grandfather was an African,…

Hermeneutical injustice

I caught a piece in the TImes Literary Supplement 3rd October issue with a really interesting snippet. The article, which I believe…

Quote for the day

“Re-examine all you have been told – dismiss what insults your soul.” – Walt Whitman Thanks to https://www.whywork.org/about/welcome.html.