Thinking It’s Just a Few Bad Apples Welcome to another of my occasional rants about the use and misuse of the English language. Previous entries have included people who talk about…
Reading Reading Roundup for October 2022 This month, I read a dense Serbian novel, an analysis of capitalism as a snake eating its own tail, and a couple…
Reading Borges Marathon, Part 10: Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius What would a world with no objective reality look like? How about a language with no nouns? Jorge Luis Borges explores these…
Reading Snow by John Banville: Review I was surprised by Snow: it's very different from John Banville's usual style. There's some beautiful prose as usual, but in the…
Reading Reading Roundup for September 2022 The month started with my favourite novel of the year and continued to produce excellent reads—read on for my recommendations.
Reading The Last White Man by Mohsin Hamid: Book Review What would happen if white people started turning brown, one by one? Mohsin Hamid explores the question in his latest novel.
Reading August 2022 Reading Roundup My reading in August was dominated by listening to six books by the same author on a long, long road trip across…
Reading Freedom and Death by Nikos Kazantzakis: Book Review "Captain Wildboar was his apt nickname in Megalokastro. With his sudden rages, his deep, dark, round eyes, his short, stubborn neck and…
Reading The View From Belmont by Kevyn Alan Arthur The View From Belmont raises interesting questions of race and gender amid the barbarousness of a slave-owning society. The dual narrative was…