Published work Ten years ago: A Call for Peace When Terry Rockefeller heard that the World Trade Center had collapsed, she had no idea her younger sister Laura was inside. All she knew…
The writing process The importance of staring out of the window What does a writing day consist of? The image that comes to mind is of someone pounding away on a typewriter with a…
On the Holloway Road New stuff I’ve been adding a few new features on the site recently, and thought I’d highlight them for you. First, I’ve added a…
A Virtual Love As if by magic… A sharp-eyed Amazon-watcher just emailed to let me know that my next book, A Virtual Love, has been listed and is available…
Published work Out and about I’ve been busy writing this week and haven’t been online much, so it was great to see that I was featured on…
Reading Sleeping Patterns The latest winner of the Luke Bitmead Award, the prize I won myself back in 2008, Sleeping Patterns is an intelligent, intriguing and ultimately…
LivingThe writing process How not to return from vacation Coming back from vacation is always hard. If you’re working for someone else, you don’t really have a choice – you just…
Published work New, free short story Update: this story is no longer available online. If you’re interested, please email me and I’ll send it to you. I just had a…
Reading The Politicians by Don Walther Coruscating look at the world of politics. If you’ve ever looked at the politicians in your country and wondered why they’re all…