Reading September Reading Roundup Last month, I started a series of monthly reading roundups. This month, to my astonishment, I am continuing it for the second straight month.…
Thinking Representation Matters Diversity in children’s books is a real problem. Here are a couple of statistics for you, courtesy of The Bookseller: 32.1% of…
Reading August Reading Roundup When I first started this blog (over ten years ago now!), I intended to review every book I read. Even by September…
Published workTravel Death by Preservation: New Travel Essay Published I just had a travel essay called Death by Preservation published in Issue #34 of Post Road Magazine, a literary magazine over in…
Reading A Shocking Memoir From a Stolen Generation I learnt about Of Ashes and Rivers That Run to the Sea from Emma’s excellent review on Book Around the Corner. It’s a…
Reading 50 Years of the Man Booker Prize To celebrate 50 years of the Man Booker Prize, Shiny New Books is reviewing the winners by decade. Read my review of Last Orders…
Thinking Occam’s Razor and the Rise of Populism Over the past few years, people have been wringing their hands over the rise of populism, whether it's far-right parties in Europe,…
Reading Happiness by Aminatta Forna: Review Although in her previous novels Aminatta Forna has grappled with wars and atrocities in Sierra Leone and the former Yugoslavia, her latest…
Reading Review of Border by Kapka Kassabova Have you ever read a book that seemed to contain all the right ingredients but somehow failed to live up to your…