In-Dependence from Bondage

This book seems worth reading. It looks at the work of Claude McKay and Michael Manley, an interesting combination, and more broadly at the effects of globalization on the African diaspora.

My only real view of Manley up to now has been his interview in the excellent film Life and Debt. But I remember clearly his frustration and anger at being forced into borrowing from the IMF on unfair terms, at being forced to trade with the US and Europe on unfair terms, and at the inability of other oppressed nations to come together and support each other.

He struck me as a true internationalist, someone who wanted to reach out to other leaders and create an alternative world order based not on profit for the rich but on meeting the needs of ordinary people. He seemed to understand the need to overthrow the white hegemony that was holding his country back, and you could sense the sadness at his ultimate failure to do so. Looking forward to reading this book to learn more about him, and to see how the author Lloyd McCarthy carries off the difficult but very interesting task of comparing poet with politician.

Link to buy the book.

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