There are echoes of Jack Kerouac in this freewheeling adventure down the CCTV-ed, drizzly corridors of modern Britain … not the most cheery read, but it does have some glorious sprees.
— The Daily Mail
‘On the Holloway Road’ follows Jack and Neil on what should be a journey of discovery and adventure. Their journey is punctuated by a host of minor characters, skilfully depicted by Andrew Blackman, who manage to consistently disappoint two travellers who are deliberately looking for more than they will be able to find.
— Notes from the Underground
A beautifully written story about friendship and the longing for adventure in an increasingly demystified world, and the eternal question of what life is all about.
— Zoe Jenny, bestselling author of The Pollen Room
Blackman’s wonderful book is a modern-day road trip filled with quirky characters and locations. He writes beautifully, making the mundane extraordinary and the everyday fascinating.
— Sam Mills, bestselling UK author
This book is a gorgeously written, literary narrative that brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion … On the Holloway Road combines lovely prose with strong characters and a gripping plot, creating a novel you shouldn’t miss.
— The Literary Lab
The book uses vivid literary descriptions to bring us across the UK with Neil and Jack as they search for…something. For Neil, the search seems to be for adventure. For Jack, the search is more of an internal struggle for identity … The book raised questions in my mind worth evenings of consideration. I give the book five stars.
— Read.Learn.Write
On The Holloway Road is superb. It is likely to appeal most to British readers, as they will be able to relate to the political details well, but the references to Kerouac and the commentary will interest readers of other nations too. And the theme of freedom is universal.
— The Worm Hole
Andrew Blackman is an excellent writer and storyteller. This, his first novel, should not be missed – it is full of insight, great descriptions, thought provoking….all in all, an excellent read!
— Book blogger Angela Thomas
It’s a great adventure story, filled with many interesting characters and scenarios. The ending is surprising and touching.
— BestsellerBound Recommends
‘On the Holloway Road’ by Andrew Blackman is an exceptional piece of writing … It is the type of book which has potential to change the way people view the world.
— Maria Savva, UK author
The first three pages of the last chapter touched my heart deeply and are some of the most beautiful that I have read …. ‘On the Holloway Road’ is one of my favourite reads of the year and probably one of my favourite books of all time.
— Vishy, Indian book blogger
Andrew Blackman has a very fluid style of writing … On the Holloway road is an atmospheric tale of the journeys undertaken by two young men in search of their dreams and of themselves.
— Nivedita Barve, book blogger
I saw Jack and Neil as night butterflies. They’re grey, hollow, and live in a dark world and their pool of light is made of electric bulbs. When they fly, it’s only to bump into that artificial light they take for the sun and burn their fragile wings. Their freedom is sad and limited.
— Book Around the Corner
It’s maybe once every five yers that a book moves me to tears. Yours did. I think I’ll mention you as “Book I spoke about the most” in my end year list.
— Caroline of Beauty is a Sleeping Cat
This is a story of people, their faith, love and attraction to each other where betrayals, decisions and a need for more meaning twist the tale over and over … I found Andrew’s unpredictable ending satisfying beyond compare.
— Helen Beal, UK book blogger
I just finished reading your book and felt compelled to email you … I feel that it’s going to be one of those books that will stay with me for a long time and keep me reflecting on why we crave adventure but that often the idea is far more exciting than the reality.
— Sarah Warder, Islington, UK
Andrew Blackman is an excellent writer and storyteller. This, his first novel, should not be missed – it is full of insight, great descriptions, thought provoking….all in all, an excellent read!
— A.E. Thomas, Amazon reviewer
An exercise in existentialism, a character study, a literate, literary novel that never under-estimates its reader. One of the things I like best about the novel is the way it describes the grimy streets I know so well in a lyrical, original style.
— Liam Walsh, Amazon reviewer
This is a wonderful wonderful piece of writing. It is a rare treat to come upon an author who can capture the characters in his book and deliver them to his reader in such an honest and open way.
— Freckles, Amazon “Vine Voice” reviewer
Neil and Jack, so different in nature, are an odd couple and the book delineates the difference very well … A must-read book for anyone interested in a culture clash which results in deep feeling and an uncommon bond.
— Florizel, Amazon reviewer
I really enjoyed this book. It is well written with a strong narrative … It made a nice change to read something that was enjoyable and also thought provoking.
— D. Bennett, Amazon reviewer
There are many highlights in this work, most notably the sense of realisation on the part of Jack that despite his companion’s insistence on living “free” and travelling being a worthwhile pursuit for its own sake, everything has been demystified and no experience can truly be said to change anything in a corporatised, ever closely watched Britain.
— O.P. Dawson, Amazon reviewer
I can see Andrew Blackman becoming one of the most respected British writers.
— Susana, Goodreads reviewer
If you like positive books or books that are full of action then this probably isn’t for you, but if you want to read something real and perhaps inspiring, then I really recommend giving On The Holloway Road a try.
— Sarah, Goodreads reviewer