A Virtual Love by Andrew Blackman is a thoroughly modern novel, much of which takes place online… The novel goes as far as to question whether anyone has a “real” identity anymore.’
— The Independent
A very thought provoking yet entertaining read, touching a subject that I haven’t come across in fiction writing to date … This would make an excellent book to discuss at a book review group. It offers something rather different and innovative, great to ponder and discuss.
— Bookhugger
Andrew Blackman has written a remarkable novel, A Virtual Love, which explores the differences between actual and virtual personas (masks) in a digital age … A novel for anyone who loves to be seduced by characters whose desires are in conflict with a reality for which there is no Undo button.
— Caribbean poet and author Geoffrey Philp
Andrew Blackman’s second novel is a fine study of identity and deception at the point where the online and offline worlds intersect.
— David Hebblethwaite, We Love This Book
This is a book that is so relevant right now that you might be surprised at how quickly you finish it, its accessibility spanning many levels. You might not like the characters – who could? – but you might just like this book. A lot.
— British book blog The Worm Hole
A compelling tale, told from several perspectives, about the identity that people project about themselves in the social media world and the real life identity that we all cannot escape from. A fascinating, modern story that had me gripped.
— Alex Wheatle, award-winning author of East of Acre Lane
The way that online identity is changing our real world relationships is much discussed in the press but thusfar has seen relatively little literary exploration. Andrew Blackman’s new novel – A Virtual Love – takes up this challenge and raises some interesting questions.
— Litro magazine
A compelling and very entertaining look at the complexities of our hyper real age, an insightful and witty exploration of the disconnect between image and reality, truth and appearance and whether love and sincere sentiment can overcome the short term thrills of social media.
— James Miller, author of Lost Boys and Sunshine State
A Virtual Love is an old, old tale told in new way, it is a tale of love and deception, but spun from new cloth, spun from Nano technology … a great fun read that makes you smile whilst leaving you with a lot of questions.
— The Parrish Lantern
I came into this book with very little expectation and I wasn’t expecting to be blown away by so many provoking ideas that make me reflect about my blog, the online scene and social networking with a new pair of eyes. But it did. Highly recommended. A book worth re-reading and I thought should be promoted mainstream and promoted more widely. I very rarely do a sales pitch on my blog but I am going to encourage you to read it.
— JoV’s Book Pyramid
Andrew Blackman’s trademark prose is spare and beautiful and it rises to sublime heights in the chapters which the grandfather narrates.
— Indian book blogger Vishy
I was hooked from the first chapter. I had a hard time putting it down, my mind drifted to it when I was driving to work, pondering the different possibilities for an ending. Of course, the identity quest made me think, and think twice since I’m also a blogger.
— Book Around the Corner
The book is structured in chapters that alternate voices … It makes for an interesting story and keeps the pace moving right along. It also provides a nice surprise at the end that I didn’t even guess was coming. And that wasn’t the only surprise. But for those you will have to read the book yourself.
— So Many Books
Blackman hits on the performative nature of online interaction and profile building, the task of constructing an idealised version of the self to be displayed to the world, and also questions our willingness to believe.
— Manchester book blogger The Workshy Fop
The novel makes some very pertinent points about the divisions between real and virtual life. It holds up a mirror to my generation and, to be honest, I don’t like the face that looks back at us.
— The Idle Woman
I strongly recommend A Virtual Love to readers interested in narratives examining how our constant over exposure on social media feeds the very best and worst of our characteristics. This is a well crafted book; characters half of whom are detestable, half of whom are likeable, and at the very centre, a divisive and deeply conflicted young man whose selfishness knows no bounds.
— A Book Between Friends
A Virtual Love by Andrew Blackman is a thoughtful, artistic, entertaining and ultimately sad meditation upon the state of the world in the digital age.
— US book blog Babbling Books
Andrew Blackman’s second novel looks at the world of online interaction, telling an engaging story while making deeper points about the commodification of identity in the age of social networking.
— Bloggers Recommend
If you’re interested in reading a story about multiple online personalities gone wrong, I recommend Andrew Blackman’s A Virtual Love.
— Between the Covers
An engaging, brilliant story capturing the almost impenetrable emotions and issues cropping up in a fairly new digital age. Blackman has made me take a long, hard look at myself and how I choose to portray myself not only online, but everywhere else too.
— US book blog The Innocent Flower
As a portrait of modern love it is quite unsettling, pointing to ever-growing questions about what remains most real and significant in our transient, illusory world.
— Tales from the Reading Room
Reading this novel certainly causes you to stop and think about your own identity – real and virtual … It is a cautionary tale, and makes one well aware that you need to pick your friends carefully. (8/10)
— Annabel’s House of Books
The book is written in an interesting form: the first person relating their story to a second person, “you”. Several different people tell their story to a “you” who isn’t actually present. I enjoyed picking up the clues from the context to work this out.
— Dutch book blogger Leeswammes
The author clearly understands the world of online communication and the lengths to which people will go to manage and manipulate their online identities… In a wider sense Blackman looks at time, the relative quickening of pace that the modern world represents. This consideration of relativity is subtle and satisfying.
— Bibliofreak
A very talented writer with a supreme gift of bringing his characters to life and leaving them to keep you company for some time after you turn the last page.
— Teresa, LibraryThing and Amazon “Vine Voice” reviewer
A great touching story exposing the disconnect between generations, human frailty and the underlying love that permeates the whole book.
— US blogger Random Thoughts
A clever perspective on the distorted environment of virtual reality.
— Newbooks magazine
The web of lies that each character spins, their inability to say what they really feel make them inhabitants of an imaginary world they can’t seem to be able to leave, trapped in their own fantasies.
— Postcards from Asia
This is a truly original book, shining a spotlight on our new age of identity, built online, where people are defined by their facebook photos and blogs.
— Fiona Pearse, Goodreads reviewer
Blackman explores his themes in depth & with immense clarity. That sense of confusion in Arthur’s mind regarding the difference in real & online identities of today’s youth is immaculately captured in words.
— Abhinav, Goodreads reviewer
An excellent reflection on the modern world we live in and the contradictions and deceits that it has created. Hurrah to Andrew Blackman and hurrah to the Grandad character in this book!
— Martin Green, Amazon reviewer
A Virtual Love is just as absorbing, and just as thought-provoking as his first book. I love this writer’s style. It takes no effort to read and understand what he is saying, and that is a mark of quality literature. It’s no surprise he has won awards for his writing.
— Maria Savva, Amazon reviewer
Having read and enjoyed Andrew Blackman’s first novel, On the Holloway Road, I was very much looking forward to reading this, and was not disappointed. The story is told through multiple points of view, with a clever use of the first/second person … I was a particular fan of Jeff’s grandad.
— Helen Beal, Amazon reviewer

You can also click here to find out what people are saying about my debut novel, On the Holloway Road.