Read more often than you write

Came across some good back-to-basics writing advice over on How Publishing Really Works. The bottom line: Just write every day, and read more often than you write, and your writing will improve. I am a keen reader, but sometimes when…

“The Anatomy of Prose” by Marjorie Boulton

This is a rigorous 1950s analysis of prose, seeking to classify different elements of prose as you would classify insects or flowers. From the broad divisions of types of prose (narrative, argumentative, dramatic, informative, contemplative), Boulton proceeds to smaller divisions…

Sheer egoism

Yes, I went around bookshops looking for my book on the shelves. And I started taking photos of it... OK, so it's not very cool. It's not something I could picture Salman Rushdie or Iam McEwan doing. But I enjoyed…


I realised I haven’t written anything here for a week. The official reason is that I was busy – the unofficial reason is that I was in a constant state of nervous anxiety and couldn’t concentrate on anything for more…

Books arrived!

When I first decided to quit my sensible career job and focus on writing, I suppose this is the day I had in mind. At the end of all the early mornings and late nights and rejection letters and self-doubt…


Have been immersed in reading the proof copy of my novel for the last few days. I hate this part. Not reading my novel – it’s not that bad! No, what I hate is proof-reading, editing word by word, line…

Short story publication

My short story “Postcards from a Previous Life” is now available to buy. It is being published by Leaf Books as part of the collection “Naked Thighs and Cotton Frocks and Other Stories“. It is my first fiction publication and…