I’m Teaching a New Online Writing Class

I was happy to be asked recently to teach an online writing masterclass for Litro, a London literary magazine. I’m teaching a four-week course on breaking writer’s block. In a decade and a half of writing novels, short stories, journalism…
Of Home and Each Other

Literature and Empathy

As a (very) part-time journalist, I get inundated with press releases, most of which I delete. But one email subject line today caught my eye: “Step into the shoes of a migrant in the UK with groundbreaking audio experience.” In…

New Bitmead Bursary Winner Announced

Winning the Luke Bitmead Bursary back in 2008 changed my life in many ways, some of which I’ve detailed on the blog before. One thing I haven’t written about so much is the wonderful people it introduced me to, most notably Luke’s…